Today's 110 miler


Whew… Manged to work my way through some bonkiness at mile 60 and mile 85.  Thanks to Michael L. for pulling me home…

Other highlights:

  • Almost hit a deer around mile 50.  Or it almost hit me. Was crossing the road as we were coming through and crossed us with about 10 feet to spare.  That was weird.
  • Mile 70 – had a women stopped on a two lane highway and yell from her window as we rode by at 20 mph – “Can I ask a favor?”  Huh?  Then she turned around, followed me for a 1/4 mile and nearly ran me off the road to ask the favor. The favor was – “I lost my dog.  Have you seen him?  There’s a substantial reward.”  I’m sorry you lost your dog.  Really, I am.  That sucks.  But no, I haven’t seen him.  And please avoid nearly running two cyclists off the road and serious injury in hopes that we may have seen him.
  • Mile 80 – Another deer – doe and a fawn crossed the road about 50 feet ahead and bounded into the field to hide.
  • Mile 85.  Another deer.  A lone fawn actually. It was hiding in some tall grass on the side of the road.  Because the road was banked with high dirt walls, it chose to run along the road with me, literally 5 feet from me, for a good 200 feet under the road bank was gone, then dove into a bush.  Tried to snap a picture, but no success.  Even more surprising than the aforementioned seeking her lost canine.

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