I'm such an ass.
I saw people in wheelchairs this weekend that will never walk again. I listened to a homeless guy on the Caltrain this morning babble incoherently about his Lamborghini in Los Angeles and his need for a phone to call an 866 number to get some kind of payment card. I watched a blind man purposely shuffle from the train station down the sidewalk. It's a chore for him to get to work everyday.
And last night, over dinner of organic meat hamburgers, three kinds of barbeque sauce, homemade cheese and frozen yogurt, I whined about my commute schedule like a spoiled brat.
I'm such an ass.
After reading a novel from a Nobel-prize winning author on my Kindle yesterday, I blamed stir-craziness and hopped on my $3000 triathlon bike for a 25-mile ride.
I chose from five differently colored golf shirts and then packed by Bose headphone, iPod, and Via for this morning's train ride where I would be granted silence to read and think and write a little. But yet I found time to complain last night.
I'm such an ass.
Yesterday morning, I slept until 8:00 am for the first time in months, drove to a local coffee shop for French Toast, scones, and espresso with my loving wife, but I still managed to utter the words – "Everyone else gets to do what they want" last night.
I'm such as ass.
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