Day 2 – What I learned, what I have to do

Thank you, thank you, thank you to everyone that read my post, commented on Facebook, and sent me an encouraging email. The response to my post yesterday is overwhelming. I’ve yet to respond to nearly all of you, and I promise that I will by the end of the week. If I knew I had this much implicit support, I would have started life without a day job much sooner.

As for Day One…

started an executive coaching program over the summer. One of the fundamental concepts this program espouses is that there are only three types of days – Focus Days, Buffer Days, and Free Days. Focus days are days where most of the day is spent with clients and revenue-producing activities. Buffer days are behind-the-scenes days managing the company, and free days are just that – no email, no work, complete detachment.

In Day 1 yesterday, I had all three types of days…

1. Focus – On a project for a client and learned about how to build an effective Udemy course.

2. Buffer – Monday AM weekly meeting with Robert (our Production Manager) around our top company priorities – revamp of the company website and the production of said Udemy course.

3. Free – Spent time with my son playing in the backyard, then to the soccer field where we played some more before I started coaching. Then back home to help with him bath and getting him to bed.

For the first 15-20 minutes of Free time, I almost tuned out and plopped my son in front of an iPad so I could push out a couple of emails. But I didn’t. It took me a while to let my brain relax, and once I did, it was well worth it.

Today is a Focus day – spending time onsite with our biggest client and a mega-important project from them and for us. Then on the train home to work out the company details on what I missed while the company is making money for everyone.

More tomorrow…

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