Progress, progress, progress

This has been a product development and marketing week since returning from the big industry conference on Tuesday night. Did some more filming for our Udemy course, and frankly, I was mentally drained. Took us 10+ takes on each of two segments to plow through. The good news is that we’re nearly done the course content.

Had a wonderful call with a couple of friends helping out on the digital marketing side. Tons of experience and willing to help me out pro bono.

Then started the march to customer development and pre-selling the course. I spent the day in LinkedIn on Thursday, hammering out emails and InMails. I’m 4/6 on cold outbound emails/InMails. (More on this at the SalesQualia blog when the site goes live). Set up 15 appointments next week. Woohoo! Let the march commence.

Spent today hammering through final website edits. Well, I say “final” when I should say – “final enough to go live.” Going with the 80% is done rule on this.

Had a good call with our biggest opportunity in development for our advisory client yesterday, and another set for today. We’re motoring along. Never quite finished, and that’s okay. Celebrate the progress because we’re only comparing ourselves to ourselves.

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