Today's hotel workout was a good one

Looking ahead to this weekend’s Lost Trail Half Marathon.  I think it’s the same course as the Fleet Feet Half Marathon I did back in 2011. I considered today a critical workout in preparation for the race because:

  1. It’s now been more than a week since last weekend’s Escape from Folsom 10 miler. I should be fully recovered. (I should have been fully recovered by Wednesday. I’m just being precautious with my knee and ramping up the mileage.)
  2.  I did a solid run on Saturday and took yesterday as an off-day so I’d be rested to push hard today if I wanted. (Saturday’s run was a “Every Mile Faster” seven-miler. I did the first two miles @ 8:15 pace, then mile 3 @ 8:00, mile 4 @ 7:50, mile 5 @ 7:40, mile 6 @ 7:30, then back to 7:50 pace for mile 7.)
  3. The rest of the week is super-busy with work, so this was my one day to push myself plus have time to rest up for the race.
  4. This workout would give me confidence going into the rest of the week in preparation for Saturday, and motivation to eat right, find rest, and put together a CrossFit workout on Wednesday or Thursday.

Warmup: 1/2 mile slow jog (treadmill)

Timed workout (15 minutes): 100 pushups | 100 candlesticks | 100 weighted squats with 25 lb dumbell

  • Set #1: 40 pushups, 50 candlesticks, 40 squats
  • Set #2: 20 pushups, 50 candlesticks, 30 squats
  • Set #3: 40 pushups, 30 squats

Then a 3-mile outdoor run. It was a little chilly and I was glad to have packed my jacket, winter cap, and running gloves. After running through side streets next to office buildings and hotels, I crossed a main road and found a nice route through a residential area. It meandered for about two miles with a few slight inclines and declines before delivering me to a main artery. I could see the tops of the aforementioned tall buildings and headed back up a long slow incline.

Then a 3-mile indoor run:

  • 1 mile @ 10:00 pace with 5% grade
  • 1 mile @ 9:00 pace with 5% grade
  • 1 mile @ 8:00 pace with 2.5% grade

I felt really, really good on the treadmill. While not quite in full-scale endurance machine shape, I felt strong enough that I could have done another 2-3 miles on the treadmill. After the CrossFit workout earlier, I’m strong enough to tackle Saturday’s half marathon.

Post-workout snack: The hotel didn’t have much in the way of food, so I took about 8-9 hardboiled eggs. 🙂

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