Category Archives: Uncategorized

Mid-Week Cantelow Loop


Managed to squeeze in a 50-miler this afternoon.  The local Gibson-Steiger-Cantelow ride.  Something about getting to the top…

109 mile Century Ride Adventure


Did a Century Ride today for Children’s Diabetes: 

Figured it was a good was to change up the training a bit and check out a part of California I’d probably never have a reason to visit otherwise.  Course was flat, flat, and more flat.   Lots of sun and a little wind by the afternoon. I did 109 miles instead of the scheduled 100 b/c I can’t read a map.    Volunteers were super awesome!

Here’s how I realized I went the wrong way.

Me (at the first rest stop in the northern loop): Which way do I go if I’m doing the Century Ride?
Volunteer from the Sutter Lion’s Club:  I’m not sure.  What does the map say?
Me: Dunno.  I didn’t look at it – was just following the people ahead of me.
Volunteer: Well, I have a map over here we can look at.
Me: That’s okay.  I have a map. I just didn’t look at it.

(Long pause as we stare at the map.)

Women Volunteer walks up.

Women: Are you lost?
Me: I think so.  The map’s not very good.
Women: Why we look at the turn-by-turn directions on the back of the map?
Me:  (Trying to think of a good answer as to why I would embark on a 100-mile journey without consulting the map…)

Turns out I went 9.5 miles in the wrong direction and was on the 40-mile course instead of the 100-mile course. I reversed direction, did the southern loop, found a short cut on the way back the northern loop to cut off 20 miles and avoid making this a 130 mile jaunt.

Random notes:

Mile 20: Riding too fast a pace.  Didn’t care.  It was fun to go fast on the country roads with no cars.
Mile 42: Realized I was a salmon going in the wrong direction in the mini-loop just above CA-20.  Questioning if I would survive in the woods if I ever got lost or how I make it to Safeway and back when I go grocery shopping.
Mile 43: Realized that’s why everyone passing me coming from the opposite direction was smiling.
Mile 52: Saw that my jacket pocket was unzipped and my driver’s license, credit card, and insurance card were missing.  Wondered aloud what I did to invoke such bad karma today.
Mile 60: Finished the reverse direction on the aforementioned mini-loop looking for aforementioned driver’s license, credit card, and insurance card.
Mile 60.01: Realized it was a lost cause.
Mile 70: Went off course to check a place back on the southern loop where I thought they might be.
Mile 70.01: Hoping that I made a big mistake and that maybe, just maybe I left everything in the car.
Mile 78: Last rest stop before northern loop around the Butte.  Discussed with fellow rider how the course makes your ride 70 miles until you get to the good scenery.
Mile 95: Eschewed rest stop.
Mile 98: Completed riding to the north, east, south, and west over the past 20 miles and got a little peeved that I failed to gain a tail wind in any of the four directions.
Mile 109.62: Thinking that I should have figured out a way to add another 2.37 miles just to get to the 112 mile barrier.
Mile 109.63: Stopped thinking so insanely to find food and lost objects.  Food found. Objects not.  Oh well.  Off the DMV. By car.

The Chick Flick floor at The Curtis Hotel

Ahhhhh…  Denver. The Sunshine State.  Gorgeous!


"Working" at Scottsdale Stadium #rebcphx


You know how you’ve always wanted a job where you’re not stuck in an office all day?  I have one of those.  Scottsdale Stadium – the setting for yesterday’s REBarcamp-Phoenix.  The only thing missing was the chance to take some swings and shag flies.  430′ to straightaway center and 360 down the line.  Yikes.

I was told there were Easter eggs at the top…


… Someone lied.

Long Ride Today.


Nope, didn’t actually ride on I-80, just the frontage road…  Saw turkeys, lots of horses, cows, and a few hills.

Run tomorrow.

Track workout


4.5 mile warmup to the track, then 5.5 miles on the track.  No breaks, just changed pace of each mile.

Where we was


The yellow line…

6400 of vertical ascent


The Road to Nowhere – Where we ended up today
