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Dead Legs Day

Planned to do a 5.5-6.0 hour ride to cap of a 3-week build period.  But alas, my legs would have none of it…

Started from home and on the way to Winters, realized I forgot my electrolyte pills.  Steady Eddy’s served as an early rest stop for an espresso (which never hurts) and a to-go cup of salt (see picture).  Not sure which was most interesting about the transaction – the fact that the woman behind the counter asked if I wanted more than what she first poured into the cup, or the fact that no one seem to bat an eye when I asked for a bunch of salt to go…

Out past Lake Solano to Cardiac.  Figured I’d go right to Cardiac, then up and into Napa and if I was feeling good, I’d tackle Pope Valley or head over past Lake Hennessey  to Silverado Trail.  Got atop Cardiac feeling pretty good, but not great.  Worked my way to the 128/121 interchange, where a closed-up restaurant re-opened! Nice – convenience store plus cafe.  Filled up with water and started out north to 128.  About 1/4 mile down the road, realized that my legs really were dead.  Salt and fuel wasn’t helping, so did a U-turn and headed back towards Winters.

For as much as Cardiac is a challenging climb on the way out, the back side can be equally challenging – maybe its just that you forgot how much descent there was.  I pulled over and dumped the rest of the salt in with my drink mix.  Yes, it was a disgusting and it sounds and I regretted not thinking to pour a little at a time for taste.  Oops.

Got back to the 128/Pleasants Valley interchange and stopped again to top off water.  Ran into a friend, chatted a bit, and figured that I might do Cantelow as a way to get some extra miles.  I was at ~55 so far and hoped to do 85-100 today, so added this loop would put me squarely in the 85-90 mile range. Crossed past Lake Solano along Pleasants Valley and the way and more dead legs, so u-turned again back to Putah Creek and headed home. 

Did get in some relatively higher paced work along Putah Creek Road where Wheel Works holds its bi-weekly time trials.  Back home and finished at 75 miles.  Not terrible for a tough day, got in some climbing on George, but hoped to do more.  I have a rest week in my plan this week so the timing is good – I figured dead legs means I’m pushing as hard as I can and with 8 more weeks to go before the taper starts, I’m still in plenty good shape for two more solid build periods.

So that’s my ride – salt and dead legs.


What recession?


6:30 am outside if the Apple SF store.

The "where am I at?" weekend


11 weeks to go until Ironman-CDA.  Seems this year’s training calendar is going so much faster than last year. I’m already feeling self-inflected pressure to hit targets for myself, most of which are a product of sheer paranoia vs. reality when I compared last year to this year in terms of miles, heart rate, and fitness.

I took it easy during the week to gear up for a big three-day push this weekend.  4500 swim on Friday, 85 bike/3 mile run Saturday, 16 mile run this morning.  Status?  Good.  Very, very good (for me anyway).  Feeling a few more nicks and strains that I’ve been able to manage and recover from.  My tweeked Achilles seems to have cleared up (I attribute this to ice + Five Finger shoes that I wear during the week.)

Dropping weight from 204 on Jan 1 to sub-190 now is working really well too.  Diet has been more focused on lots of winter and leafy green vegetables plus quality protein.  Fewer Clif Bars during the week as snacks – replaced with apples, nuts, and other fruit. Dropped refined sugar altogether minus the occasional yogurt and dessert, vs. last year with regular helpings of ice cream at night.

I’ve had a few conversations with myself about race day – what if it’s rainy, cold, windy, or all three?  What if I just don’t have a good day? Will that all be disappointing? I’m aiming at 11:59 or under this year – 6 months of training for 60 minutes of time. It’s difficult weighing respect for Ironman – how every race and day can differ – and achieving a very specific public goal for myself.  In the end, it’s a journey.  Don’t know how many more Ironmans I’ll do after this one. IM-Canary Islands is very intriguing for its difficulty, IM-Australia and IM-New Zealand for their locations.  But there’s other stuff too – riding across the country in 2012, Ultraman, 50- and 100-miler runs.  

But for now, I’m 11 weeks out, feel good, and will have my next “where am I at?” on April 30 at the Napa Valley Half-Ironman.  I finished at 5:52 last year. I figure if I can get sub 5:30 this year, the > 11:59 is indeed in sight.  Fingers crossed.

Berkeley Hills


This us why I ride. Have never seen thus view of San Francisco.

42 miles over 3.5 hours.

See? I was there.


Breakfast with Austin Goolsbee


Bacon with a side of economic policy.

Yes. That's cotton candy for dessert


On the brain

Posting a couple of articles/resources I'm collecting for eventual reading related to the human brain.  I think this recent interest in the brain and its working started after watching parts of The Charlie Rose Show's "Brain Series"  over the past couple of months.  Last week I came across this 2001 interview with Danny Hillis. As the superconscious would have it, resources on this topic have displayed themselves to me. Though I believe the kernel germinated back in my days of economic study where I was introduced to experimental economics and neuro-economics. 

So here's today's reading list:

"A mind of one's own" by Raymond Tallis

"What the science of human nature can teach us" by David Brooks

Soul Dust by Nicholas Humphry

Self Comes to Mind by Antonio Damasio

More to come…

10 mile run: today vs. 1 year ago



Gettin' there…

If I could just keep this pace all the time…


Heel is mostly healed from the December blow out, and seems to like having 12 fewer lbs on my frame.