Of late, my reading has focused on three areas:
1. Novels – Mostly audio books because they are the most entertaining to me in the car. Recent books include The Maltese Falcon, Fahrenheit 451, Main Street, Cannery Row, The Remembrance of Things Past, and Within a Budding Grove. Proust is the most difficult on audio, so I reserve him for morning times when my mind is most active and attentive.
2. Business books – These are usually pretty quick reads that I can drop in a for a chapter of two to see if there’s anything I can learn. Current books I’m reading here include A Year Without Pants, Million Dollar Consulting, and Startup CEO.
3. Other Non-fiction – How Will Your Measure Your Life, This Will Make You Smarter, Seven Pillars of Wisdom, Soul Dust, inGenius, and other books about consciousness, creativity, and decision-making.
4. Philosophy – Myths to Live By (Campbell), Studies in Pessimism (Schopenhauer), The Construction of Social Reality (Serle), Meditations (Aurelius), Emile (Rousseau), and The Structure of Scientific Revolutions (Kuhn).