Category Archives: Writing & Reading

This is the hard part #gofarther

Day 7 of my 31-day writing challenge – a self-imposed challenge to write for one hour every day for 31 days.

It’s the lunchtime break at the workshop. I have exactly 65 minutes before we start the afternoon sessions. Everyone else headed to The Cheesecake Factory, and I’m choosing to spend this time sitting in the hotel lobby to fulfill my daily writing commitment. As much as I don’t feel like it now, I know I won’t feel like it later.

I’ve got plenty of excuses to skip today, some of them are even borderline legitimate.

I’m hungry. It’s Day 4 of my daytime fasting experiment to help my body fat-adapt and to lose a few pounds I let pile up last week. I’ve eaten 5500 calories over the past four days. That’s one day for me when I’m in heavy-duty training mode.

I’m tired. I slept four hours last night, rolling out of bed at up a 4:15am for a 6am flight. I’m mentally depleted – I know this because I took a Lyft from LAX to all the way to Santa Monica before realizing that I needed to be Redondo Beach instead. That was awesome.

I’m now without an executive assistant because she resigned this morning. I understand her decision, and I’m in full support, yet someone that doesn’t make the magic elves appear to check off the unfinished tasks that need attention.

I’d rather be eating with the rest of group at The Cheesecake Factory.

I’d like to take a nap.

I need to spend time working on company tasks and recruiting a replacement EA.

But somehow all of that can wait because I made this commitment to myself. That’s the magic in throwing this challenge at myself and when I’m done this writing block, I’ll have words on the page.

I knew it would hard. My schedule is my schedule. Life is life. No day is perfect.

That’s the magic of commitment, and the purpose of this challenge to myself. I wanted to see how I could manufacture the time to do that which brings me joy: Write every day.

It’s is forcing me to concentrate, forcing me to adapt, forcing me to do the best I can with whatever haymakers come next. These conditions are my choice – I could have changed my flight. I could eat the tin of sardines and chomp on the energy bar sitting in my backpack. I could have built a backup system for the work that needs to be done.

I tell myself that this will make me stronger and more tolerant. I imagine this will aid my training and strengthen my mindset for the next time I’m on the trail, miles from the next aid station low on water with aching quads and a turning stomach.

But maybe this thinking is just absurd and I should eat lunch or take a nap. But I don’t, and I won’t, because this is important to me – to stretch myself a little longer, a little farther.

Given everything, I’m surprised I don’t feel worse. I’m here, awake, sitting and writing, and that brings me joy.

Go farther.

Can you deal with your dreck? #GoFarther

Seth Godin says that there’s no such thing as writer’s block. You can type. You can write. So type and write. What writers call “writer’s block” is their unwillingness to deal with their dreck – the wretched writing that must be done to find the true gems.

Dealing with your dreck teaches you where and who you really are – what you really want.

My first novel is dreck. It’s so bad that I worked on it only once in five years. I want to trash it, but I know I can’t no matter how bad it is. I need to battle the dreck, only so that I can type the words “The End” and be done with it. Heck, this post feels like dreck to me right now. I started it on Tuesday morning, and I’m grinding through it now while sitting on kitchen floor at 6am.

My first company was dreck. After blowing through $150k in investment capital, my only significant project required me to shepherd a low-level Kazakhstani government bureaucrat around California and Canada to tour wheat research institutes.

My workouts lately have been dreck.  I’ve been fighting a hamstring injury and joint stiffness since mid-January. This past week, I’ve started to feel recovered, kicking up my running regimen and restarting my Cross-Fit workouts. Dreck. My breath is shallow and labored. My legs are heavy. My muscles ache.

This week I decided to go Keto for the month. I found myself pining for a banana and a chocolate square in the first three hours. Last night was dreck – home late from the Farmers Market and hungry for second dinner. Steamed lentils at 9pm aren’t as appetizing as they sound. Dreck.

All of it dreck, and all of it necessary to come out the other side better and stronger.

The First Three Steps on Learning the Trombone, Earning a PhD in Psychology & 8 More Things I’d Like To Do #GoFarther

The hardest part about taking action is taking action.

I often say “I’d like to…” or “I should…” or “I want to…” and in most cases there’s a divergence between what I say and what I do. I’m not referring to outcomes at work or at home, or even most endurance race events that I decide I’m going to do.

This is more of the pie in the sky, dreamy kind of stuff. The childhood fantasies or experiences I’d like to pursue as an adult with the financial ability to pursue such things.

Warren Buffet recommended a “Two List System” in which a person creates a list the top 25 things one wants to do or accomplish in the next 5 or 10 years (or longer) and then choose the top five.

James Altucher wrote about this approach more recently, and often talks about “The Power of No” – staying focused on your most important outcomes.

Once the decision is made where to focus, then it’s a matter of taking action with the right steps in the direction of whatever the chosen outcome, and that’s where I think most of us hit a roadblock. At least I do. I get so focused on the enormity of a big outcome that I paralyze myself from even beginning or exploring the process.

Jack Canfield uses his “rule of 5” – choose five action steps each day that will bring you closer to your desired outcome.

A strategy I recommend for clients whenever they tackling a project is to simply list the first three steps they can take right away. These first steps should be SUPER easy and designed to just get started.

I thought it’d be fun to list ten of my “things” – ten outcomes or experiences that I say that I want to pursue, then list out what would be my first three actions steps towards accomplishing them – eat my own dog food here.

The first three steps should so easy that just by identifying and stating them, I will feel compelled to take action right away, and because the first steps are easy, I should see progress quickly, feel momentum building, experience success and then want to do more.

I do well when I’m in a flow in pursuit of a started outcome. It almost feels inevitable that I’ll accomplish it. The key is putting myself into that flow with quick wins and early successes. And if I’m not willing to do even these first few steps, then maybe I really don’t want to do that “thing.” It’s a good test either way.

Here goes…

1 – Trombone Lessons.  From 4th to 11th grade, I played the baritone horn (a.k.a. “euphonium”) and got pretty good at it. In 8th grade, I was first chair of a ten-school conference band and second chair of the South Jersey Junior High Band. In high school, I performed in both jazz band and concert band as an extra-curricular activity.  In 5th and 6th grade, I picked up the trombone as a second instrument to play in the concert orchestra, but never really played again after that.

Last year at the Davis Farmer’s Market, a small group of young musicians played a compilation of jazz, show tunes and marching band music. I was drawn to the trombone player. I love the loud, controlled splats. The smears and slurs reminded me of The Muppet Show, and I like the elegance of the trombone’s dark, smoky tones in a performance setting.

So why not take a few lessons on the trombone to see if I enjoy it? Besides, practicing an artistic hobby is only going to help my efforts to win a Nobel Prize…

Last week, I walked into Watermelon Music and asked about rentals and lessons. The guy there told me they had plenty of rentals and that the instructor’s contact info is on their website.

First three steps:

  1. Send an email to the music teacher on the Watermelon Music website (DONE!)
  2. Register for one month of lessons
  3. Rent a trombone from Watermelon

2 – Standup Comedy. Brian Koppelman (he co-wrote the movie “Rounders,” is the co-writing of “Billions” among other huge accomplishments…) and Sara Blakely (founder of SPANX) each took a year or more of their lives to practice this trade.

I’ve read Judy Carter’s book – “The Comedy Bible.” A couple years ago, I started a file in Evernote where I keep ideas for a comedy routine but I’ve updated it less and less recently. I took an improv class in Sacramento.

I think I could be good at it. I’m generally good at quips here and there (or so I think…), though my “humor” gets a little dark and unfunny at times, and I wouldn’t want to go in the direction on stage. I’d want to keep it clean. I’ve watched Sinbad’s “Sinbad Where U Been” many times. It’s one of my favorite routines. Bo Burnham is wildly entertaining to me because of the effort he puts into his shows and how he extracts three and four layers of comedy from every thread.

Nothing is stopping me, or anyone, from trying an “open mike” night other than personal inhibitions and the fear of failure. I can handle both.

First three steps:

  1. Research open mike nights in Sacramento.
  2. Sign up for improv class.
  3. Print my comedy notes from Evernote and cut into small segments to begin assembling into a routine.

3 – Fly airplanes. Back in 2011-2012, I took private pilot lessons along with Lena, accumulating more than 70 hours of flight time including a few solo flights. I was getting close to my VFR license. Probably another 2-3 months and I would have gotten there.

When Benjamin was born, three things happened: 1) time dissipated as happens with a newborn at home, 2) it was way more important to Lena to finish than me – it all started with her dream, so we focused on her getting in the hours to her license, and 3) I decided that I wanted to go for Ironman #3, which on top of the training, happened to be in Australia, so there were all of the logistics and planning with Benjamin just a nudge past his first birthday on race day in March 2013.

I’ve thought I’d like to go back to finish my license. We could fly longer longer cross-country flights together and I could do occasional work flights to Palo Alto or even down to Los Angeles for workshops. It’s a bit of a fantasy to do those things and would require a big time investment to not only earn my VFR, but to accumulate the hours and experience to feel comfortable flying solo through busy airspace and longer cross-country flights.

Oh by the way, I don’t have the patience that it requires to be an excellent pilot. There’s the constant probability of a plane failing it’s preflight inspection, grounding a flight and throwing a monkey wrench in my plans. I don’t like that kind of uncertainty. I get frustrated with the mechanics of planning a flight and procedures.

For example, Lena once found a bird’s nest in the engine during preflight – twice – once before an evening flight, then she flew the same airplane in the early morning the next day only to find that birds had rebuilt the nest again in the engine in less than 12 hours. Another time after a 100-hour service, Lena flew a plane that sprung an oil leak, forcing her to divert back to the airport in short order.

Much of this would be mitigated by owning a plane outright because it would fly far fewer hours than a rental and Lena would assuredly be in charge of maintenance, but all kinds of things can still happen.

Despite all of these reasons to the contrary, I have an inkling to get back and finish my license.

First three steps:

  1. Send a text to my friend Tim for his opinion on how long it would probably take for me to complete if I committed to flying twice a week.
  2. Contact 2-3 instructors at University Airport about their availability to take me on as their student.
  3. Schedule a “restart” flight – a demo flight of sorts to make sure I really want to do this.

4 – Finish a novel. I started a novel about eight years ago, and it’s been on the shelf since. I don’t particularly care about publishing it – I just want to finish the damn thing. Most successful authors never publish their first novel.

I love writing – the process of building and constructing sentences and paragraphs. All of my published writing take the form of business writing or blogging. Writing through a storyline, developing the characters and reaching the end of the book is a compelling literary endeavor.  It’s a challenge churning out 50,000 words while maintaining a plot, developing characters and reaching a resolution.

Right now, I’m reading Norman Mailer’s book “The Spooky Art” about writing, and just finished Steven Pressfield’s “The War of Art.” There’s a persistence and a grind to writing a novel that jives with my personality, much like Ironman training or building my business.

But on the other hand, I’ve not seen this project through yet, and I’ve been known to start projects without finishing them, ergo why this is on this list. November is National Novel Writing Month every year. I could delay until then and put in the time daily to torture what I’ve written so far to completion. Or I could get started today…

First three steps:

  1. Find what I’ve written so far in Evernote.
  2. Organize this writing into a single notebook.
  3. Take a blank sheet of paper and draw out the story line I’ve written so far to see where my mind takes it next.

5 – CrossFit Games. I started doing CrossFit a few years back (again thanks to Lena!). I’ve never been a huge weight-lifting kind of guy – I did it in high school to try to build up my chest muscles because I wanted to look like a stud (I failed…) and nowadays I lift weights and practice CrossFit to bolster my endurance training. It’s been a HUGE boost to my efforts, and was a big part of my Uberman accomplishment.

I’d like to see how I’d do with a year’s worth of training to focus on competing in the CrossFit Games. Anyone can give it a go – just go to the local CrossFit gym and participate in the measured workouts that are used for the Open competition. Here in Davis, we have a kick-ass CrossFit box.

My body responds well to this type of fitness and training and I believe I could do well with the right focus and effort. It would be nice to see how I would stack up against the very best competition.

First three steps:

  1. Research when Stage 1 begins for the 2017 CrossFit Games. (DONE! Turns out, registration started back on Jan 12 and Stage 1 begins on Feb 23…)
  2. Review the Open Workouts from past years here.
  3. Chose one of the past workouts to do today in my garage. I’m going to workout today, so why not put myself to the test right away?

6 – Learn a new language. I’ve traveled to Europe, Latin America and Central Asia, each time adding to the realization of how limited life can be when you’re unable to communicate. I’ve been to Italy and Central America several times, each time wishing I spoke the local language.

In high school, I did well with French until I was asked to drop the class because I was a pretty annoying discipline issue. (Sorry, Ms. Hern. I really am. I know I caused you a lot of hard days…)

I picked up two semesters of French in college because I had to do a language, and again, did pretty well, but I’ve not pursued it since. I’ve taken a couple of community college Spanish classes and had a private tutor come by the house for a stretch to learn Italian. The Latin-based languages make sense to me, I’ve just never devoted time to focusing, practicing and using them.

This week, we’re registering our son for kindergarten and there’s a Spanish immersion program for K-6 grades which we hope he’s able to join. This is a lesson from my own life that will absolutely benefit him, and maybe this is my chance to learn alongside him starting this year.

I think I’m most torn about which language to learn. Spanish is most practical. French would be the easiest because of the four years of base training. Italian would be the most fun, and least practical of the three. I’ve learned some Russian as well, but again, not terribly practical.

First three steps:

  1. Find a language app on iTunes. I know there are several that are good for short bursts of language learning.
  2. Download the app.
  3. Take 15 minutes to begin today at lunch.

7 – Live abroad. We’ve done some decent traveling for extended stretches – two weeks in Belize, three weeks in Australia, for example. This summer, we’re spending 5-6 weeks in Portlandia. Given my interest in language, living aboard for a year would be a spectacular way to learn the local language life in a new culture.

Of course, sometimes you don’t come home… We almost decided to stay in Australia after a three weeks in and around Melbourne. I was even offered a job there. A good friend has now been in London for about 6-7 years. Another friend spent two years in Sweden. Our babysitter/house sitter just left for Australia and New Zealand for five months, and my bet is that she ends up staying for longer. Why not?

While there’s lots of America to see and experience, living abroad for a year or so would be relatively easy for us as a family. I run a coaching business with clients all over the world already, and Benjamin is young enough that finding private tutors or having him attend a local school would be an easy step. For the right opportunity, Lena could do her research work from most places.

First three steps:

  1. Google “Living Aboard” and see what I find.
  2. Look at a map of the world to see what looks to be most appealing.
  3. Make a list of the top three places so that I can devote 30 minutes to each for research that particular location as a viable place to live aboard.

8 – Earn a PhD in Psychology. I first became interested in this field when I first started as a sales rep at Prentice Hall, selling textbooks and educational materials at 22-years-old. This began with Tony Robbins’s Personal Power, then a slew of sales books by people like Brian Tracy and Zig Ziglar. The more I learned about sales, the more interested I became in psychology. At one point, I was reading William James every morning.

As a professional salesperson, I’m most interested in organizational psychology and managerial economics – how organizations make decisions. I’ve read quite a bit on this front, even compiling a table of contents for a book in this area. Later, adding my training in the field of economics and learning more about the behavioral aspects of people, groups and decisions, this field is probably the one place where I feel I would be a successful PhD and researcher.  Of course, watching my wife go through the PhD process makes this almost wholly unappealing…

First three steps:

  1. Research PhD programs at UC-Davis. I’ve done this before. I just need to refresh myself.
  2. Fill out an information form or see if there is an open house or event of some kind on campus.
  3. Walk over to campus during the day, find the department and ask the administrative assistant for help with information and talking with a professor or two there.

9 – Run for Public Office. Back in college, I made a couple of trips to Washington DC for political-action workshops and even landed a post-graduation internship for the summer after graduation. It was unpaid and after talking with my parents, I decided to get a job instead. I’m glad I didn’t caught up in “Beltway fever” but I’ve always found elections and politics interesting over the past few years.

National elections have become less interesting, recent events notwithstanding, while local politics have become more interesting though. In my work space, there’s an commercial real estate guy that’s active in local Davis politics. There are a number of initiatives and ballots every election. I have a friend that attempted to get himself on a local congressional district ballot as a Libertarian candidate. I think there’s something that’s still impactful about local politics that otherwise would be lost in the day-to-day bickering and attenuation of holding a larger office.

The question is whether or not I’d want to pursue the effort – handing out flyers, standing around at the Farmer’s Market and knocking on doors. Do I have an initiative or office where I feel strongly enough about making a change that I’m willing to devote my time and money to such an endeavor? Not right now, but maybe later.

First three steps:

  1. Go to the City of Davis website to look for election and ballot information.
  2. Find out about the elected positions that will have open elections in 2017.
  3. Make a list of specific topics that I care most about. This is just a way to match my interest areas with the elected offices responsible or that impact that particular area.

10 – Martial Arts. This has been an interest area for some time, going back to my post-Ironman days going into 2014. I’ve listened to podcast interviews with people like Josh Waitzkin. I practice meditation most mornings and late last year I visited a local Aikido Dojo to watch a class. It’s an interesting form of martial arts with it’s quiet flow, though I don’t have the commitment to attend classes 2-3 nights per week as is required for most martial arts.

Brazilian Ju-Jitsu is also interesting because I’ve heard it described as “problem-solving” – you’re stuck in a hold and need to figure your way out of it. I have a client that’s a beginner in this art, and she absolutely loves it even though she said it “kicks her ass.”  I like that aspect of this particular martial art form, though I’ve yet to check out a live class.

While this is definitely a “later” thing, it’s something I think about from time to time. I like the rigor and discipline, as well as the confidence I believe it would breed in myself to know that I could handle myself in most situations I might encounter. Maybe it’s part of my machismo to want to be able to defend myself or my family in a raw situation, though how practical is it really in most situations, like having a gun pointed at you? Not that I’m planning to put myself in any situations like this, but the chance exists. Okay, digressing…

First three steps:

  1. Visit the local Brazilian Ju-Jitsu website to look at the class schedule.
  2. Pick a day to go to the dojo to observe a class.
  3. Go and observe.

So what’s your list? What are your first three steps?  

Let me know and I’ll help if I can.

What I'm up to lately…. February 2015

Read Time: 4-5 minutes What I’What

If we haven’t chatted in a while, feel free to pick-up the phone and call me. If there’s anything I can do to help you with anything, please please please let me know…

Work Stuff:

  • Blend is the focus of my work life. Lots of travel to and from Dallas, with occasional travel to NYC and Washington DC. It’s been more than a year since I joined the team full-time, and we’ve grown the team about 3x since last January – 30+ people now.
  • The work is challenging, mostly because of the complexity of the projects and our target clients. We sell software to banks and lenders in the residential mortgage market, which in today’s world of regulation and compliance, plus the path dependency of existing systems and models, makes the decision and implementation process highly complex. In one implementation, I’ve counted more than 75 people on the customer side that have been involved with the process. That’s just one project at one customer.
  • It’s not particularly difficult work, just challenging from the standpoint of balancing the self-interest of everyone involved with each specific sale, plus the extenuating affects on other systems and people not directly involved.

Daily Practice:

  • Morning Pages: I wake up every morning and journal three pages – a practice I learned from Julia Cameron’s book “The Artist’s Way.” I’ve been doing this for more than a year now. Very effective to figure out what’s going on in my head before the day gets going, and writing out three full pages is enough to talk myself through whatever is bugging me.
  • Meditation: This started with 15 minutes of simply sitting still and focusing on my breathing. After about a month, I’m now able to go 30 minutes and about 25% of days, I do a guided mediation. Tara Brach has been my go-to on this so far. I download the podcasts so I can have little session even on a train or plane.
  • Evening Journal: The evening journal is a quick sketch of the day – what I accomplished. This is a very short exercise – 5-10 minutes. It’s been super useful to bookend the day, and offers some closure so that I’m not waking up and writing my morning pages about stuff that happened yesterday. I learned this from a Tim Ferriss podcast with Josh Waitzkin.

Helping Others:

  • I’ve made it a sort of personal challenge to seek and find people to help in achieving their professional goals.
  • Just before Christmas, I downloaded my LinkedIn contacts and I’ve started pinging 2-3 people every couple of days that I haven’t spoken with in a while. I send them a personal message to the effect: “It’s a been a while. Looks like you’re doing great. Need help with anything?” Pretty interesting to see the types of responses. A few (just a few…) haven’t responded. A couple people respond back with – “Great to hear from you. Hope all is well.” And then a good chunk of people send back specific requests, most of which are things for which I can actually help – connecting them with people I know, sending them articles and ideas, etc. Check out this James Altucher blog post on how to be a “super connector.”
  • Coaching, Workshops, etc. – I’ve gotten involved with lots of different groups over the past six months, mostly around entrepreneurship and startups. Meeting really great people from all over the world, literally. A few groups with which I’ve worked recently – The Nordic Innovation Group, BelCham, Startup Weekend, Social Venture Partners, SAGEGlobal, Women’s Startup Lab, Hult International Business School, and UC-Berkeley Extension.

Life Tips:

  • Free days – I almost always take a “free day” on the weekends – one day when I don’t check email, or even think about work, an idea I learned from Strategic Coach, a coaching program I tried out about a year ago. It takes some real discipline to avoid checking my phone during idle moments – whether short moments in line at the store or longer stretches like my son’s nap time over the weekend.
  • Naps – Yes to these. I try to nap every Sat and Sun when my son goes down.
  • Decluttering – Been tackling areas of the house to get rid of stuff I don’t need or use. Worked through laundry room, living room, and kitchen so far. Started on my closet. Found receipts and documents going all the way back to the mid-1990s. WTF… Liberating to throw stuff away, and give away that which might be useful to others – clothes, office supplies, etc.

Training & Racing:

  • Coming off knee surgery back in September. Took me much longer to recover than I expected (which is why professional athletes retire at 40…) I’m finally back to 5-6 mile runs and nearly 20 miles a week.
  • Planning on a half-marathon this Spring, a short triathlon or two this summer, then a marathon and ultra-marathon in the Fall.
  • Ironman? I get asked if I’m doing another. I usually tell people that I have another 1-2 in me, just not this year. But soonish…
  • Learned lots of cross-fit exercises over the past year – has really helped me with balance and running with more of my body, not just legs. Here’s an example workout from New Year’s Day.

What I’m feeding my brain:

  • Podcasts: Tim Ferris, Tara Brach
  • Blogs: James Altucher, Jason Lemkin
  • Books (recent & current):
    • “The Art of Asking,” Amanda Palmer – Indie punk musician that figured out how to ask people for help. Great lessons in here that you don’t have to do everything on your own. Here TED talk is a good summary, and thought I do recommend the book for the full story and context.
    • “Annals of a Former World,” John McPhee – A book about the geologic history of the US. It’s a tome that I don’t plan to finish. It’s really five books consolidated into one, and the book that’s most interesting is “Book 4 – Assembling California.” Big focus on Northern California and researchers based at UC-Davis. It’s good bed-time reading. Three pages and I’m ready to snooze. I’m amazed at the amount of research and learning that went into this book.
    • “Influence,” Robert Cialdini – Re-reading. Good airplane/business read on exactly what you’d think from the title. Research based – not a “manipulate people” book.
    • “Principles,” Ray Dalio – Dalio is the founder of Bridgewater, a huge hedge fund. Super interesting read on how he approaches learning and communication.

And a huge thank you to Matt Slater, a friend and former student for the inspiration for this post.

All's quiet in San Francisco this morning

I gave myself a new dose of reading this weekend. Yesterday I finished The Code Book: The Science of Secrecy from Ancient Egypt to Quantum Cryptography by Simon Singh, then I bought:

The first two new reads are longer, intellectual reads. Johnson’s book is a quick read and much like a dose of Vitamin C when you have a cold, I’m note really sure of the effect. It just feels like it makes a difference when you do. The Code Book was really, really instructive and interesting. An excellent mix of history, non-technical explanations, and cryptography applications.

I’ve purposely slept a lot since New Year’s Day when I went to bed at 7:15. Every night since January 1, I’ve been in bed by 8:00 or 8:15, and I worked in very solid naps on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. I’m feeling very refreshed today and ready to restart after a long, appreciated Christmas break.

San Francisco seems quiet this morning. It’s never loud or unnerving when I pop out of my BART stop at 6:30am – today just feels quieter than normal. Is that a reflection of my subdued mental state? There are homeless and hipsters, timed traffic lights and construction workers. It’s all the same as I left it three weeks ago. It just seems quiet today.

The first distinctive noise I noticed was a conversation between two twenty-something women at a bus stop. In passing, I heard – “Oh my gosh, she’s dating like three guys right now.” The statement wasn’t stated judgmentally or perniciously or outrageously, and I can’t decide if it was said jealously. It was a statement I didn’t expect at 6:30 on Monday morning.

I stubbed my foot crossing the street just then, probably because my shoes are new. I remembered the first day of school after Christmas, when I proudly wore my new sneakers. In fourth grade, leather Nike sneakers were the rage. I felt very proud to wear those because they made me cool. Despite the shoes, like everyone else, I was still the insecure 10-year old – worried about what everyone else thought of me, worried about my haircut and blue jeans, and worried that my winter hat was to big and fluffy. But in fourth grade, it was kind of cool to be smart so I had this path to experience some level of coolness. That all feels pretty similar to who I am today.

Not so much in middle school. Pubescence magnified the importance of shoes, haircut, and general appearance, and with my slight build, super straight hair, and propensity for awkwardness, middle school became my personal Dark Ages. In seventh grade, I used my sister’s curling iron and blow dryer every morning to feather my hair like John Stamos. It never worked. I had a straight part down the middle of my head, with my hair failing straight down to each side. Back to the Future was the big movie in seventh grade, and so pop culture timing and my really bad haircut earned me the nickname of “McFly” for the year thanks to the class bully. I wonder what happened to that guy. I just tried a Google search and got nothing…

I stopped at Walgreens for a pocket notebook to jot notes about my thoughts and ideas. I generally do this in Evernote already, and having a couple of pocket notebooks for insurance seems like a good idea.

In Walgreens, I watched a guy skip the main register by walking over to the cosmetics register. He was very pleased with the discovery that the register was open, and was buying a couple boxes of Nicorette and two packs of dried salami. Searching for a notebook, I thought about going to CVS with my mom when I was a kid. I’d usually go with her grocery shopping, which included a trip to the drugstore for drugstore things. She let me hang out in the toy section while she shopped. Now I wonder who goes to CVS or Walgreens or Rite Aid to buy toys.

Time to go to work.

Improv. Find my flow. In the moment.

Improv Wisdom: Don’t Prepare, Just Show up.

I do much better in most tasks starting in the middle. When I’m writing, I generally bang out the main points and the write the introduction last, usually pulling statements from the last paragraph and moving them up to the front.

We’ve discovered the same in filming the video lectures for our online course. I have the ideas that I want to share and articulate them perfectly as I’m sketching out what I want to say, then I stammer and stumble on the first sentence. I need to figure out some type of verbal queue that helps me overcome this hump. Maybe I should just start with “Welcome back.” or “Okay…” I do this when I’m teaching in the classroom and it seems to get me started. Weird huh?

I like to work in a “flow” environment. This is both physical and mental. Yesterday I had trouble starting my sales research and sales calls. I got to the office and followed my typical procrastinating list – grab a plated of salted almonds and trail mix, look for a drink that’s not coffee or filled with aspartame, go to the bathroom, notice that the room temperature isn’t perfect, run through my three email addresses then do the same on my phone. It took me a good 45 minutes to find a flow, and finally I picked a task that emerged – review the speakers on an upcoming industry conference website.

That jumpstarted my research process because I had to dive into LinkedIn, see if and how I was connected to people. From there, I started jotting down a simple list of people I wanted to contact that day. Nothing magical about the list – it was really sloppy and mostly disorganized. My first call was to confirm a final question on an evaluation agreement. This was an “easy” call – a familiar person with a short, specific outcome. That got the flow going.

By the end of the day, I’d set up an appointment with the CIO of a major lender (think Top 5 in the country), was introduced to the president of a primary software provider in our industry, and hammered out the final specifications for a new customer. At 10:00am, I was quite sure none of this was going to happen. I felt mechanical and stoic. All of that melted away once I found my flow, which simply started by rowing the boat.

I was told yesterday that “sales is exertion.” This person used the term “shoe leather” – referring to the door-to-door, deal-with-reaction aspect to sales. Yes and no. I would say that sales is focused effort. The first call in the AM to complete the evaluation agreement? I knew I had to pick up the phone and call – NOT send an email or wait for a reply. Earlier in the week when pushing through an NDA with this prospective client, she told me – “I’m glad you called to remind me to do this. I really wanted to get this in today.” This project is a top priority to her with a evaluation deadline for 2014 planning in early December. I’ve known this person for five years and have worked with her throughout this time as a vendor and a colleague. And yet, I still needed to pick up the phone to create motion in the sales opportunity.

The same with the appointment I set with the CIO. I took more than two hours of time over the past week researching this person, finding their email addressing, leaving a voicemail for his assistant, calling back a week later, then crafting an email that I thought would show the opportunity for both of us to benefit from a conversation. Once I sent the email, his assistant emailed back less than ten minutes – “[His name] would like to set up a time to talk with you and see a demo of your product. Here are a few open times in his calendar…”

I didn’t exert myself to set that appointment through 75 cold calls per day. I didn’t prepare a mass email blast to 1000 executives to see who would respond; There was no exertion. Just focused effort to communicate a clear value proposition that I thought had the highest probability of being received.

So for me, sales is finding a flow and working an intelligent plan to introduce people to new ideas. People love ideas, and they love people that share ideas. They don’t even need to be your ideas. Some of the best sales conversations I’ve had started with my sending an article or white paper I found to someone else – “thought you might like this – it reminded me of our conversation last month…” So many times that type of email receives a reply like – “Thanks for sending this over. This is really timely, and I know I owe you a call. How about this week?…” And away we go from there.

From this Improv book:

“To improvise, it is essential that we use the present moment efficiently. An instant of distraction – searching for a witty line, for example – robs us of our investment in what is actually happening. We need to know everything about this moment.”

Maybe that’s the reason flow works for me in sales.

[My son just woke up. Time to be in that moment.]

I woke up at 4:22am to hammer out final details for a couple of projects with hard deadlines. Coffee made, ready to go. Internet didn’t work. What to do… what to do… One of my favorite things – go for a run in the morning darkness. Through the olive groves and along Hutchinson where the only lights are far down the road and the constellations light up the sky. Then home to write this post, greet my son when he woke up, stand outside in the cold morning to watch birds fly above, breakfast, prepare his lunch, clean the kitchen, and dress. Out the door and all the while I’m in my flow.

And I’m not even going to edit this post. Copy. Paste. Post. Improv.


Of late, my reading has focused on three areas:

1. Novels – Mostly audio books because they are the most entertaining to me in the car. Recent books include The Maltese Falcon, Fahrenheit 451,  Main StreetCannery RowThe Remembrance of Things Past,  and Within a Budding Grove. Proust is the most difficult on audio, so I reserve him for morning times when my mind is most active and attentive.

2. Business books – These are usually pretty quick reads that I can drop in a for a chapter of two to see if there’s anything I can learn. Current books I’m reading here include A Year Without Pants, Million Dollar Consulting, and Startup CEO.

3. Other Non-fiction – How Will Your Measure Your Life, This Will Make You Smarter, Seven Pillars of Wisdom, Soul Dust, inGenius, and other books about consciousness, creativity, and decision-making.

4. Philosophy – Myths to Live By (Campbell), Studies in Pessimism (Schopenhauer), The Construction of Social Reality (Serle), Meditations (Aurelius), Emile (Rousseau), and The Structure of Scientific Revolutions (Kuhn).

William Blake's tips for writing

“To sum up–if you want to write:

  1. Know that you have talent, are original and have something important to say.
  2. Know that it is good to work. Work with love and think of liking it when you do it. It is easy and interesting. It is a privilege. There is nothing hard about it but your anxious vanity and fear of failure.
  3. Write freely, recklessly, in first drafts.
  4. Tackle anything you want to–novels, plays, anything. Only remember Blake’s admonition: “Better to strangle an infant in its cradle than nurse unacted desires.”
  5. Don’t be afraid of writing bad stories. To discover what is wrong with a story write two new ones and then go back to it.
  6. Don’t fret or be ashamed of what you have written in the past. How I always suffered from this! How I would regurgitate out of my memory (and still do) some nauseous little lumps of things I had written! But don’t do this. Go on to the next. And fight against this tendency, which is much of it due not to splendid modesty, but a lack of self-respect. We are too ready (women especially) not to stand by what we have said or done. Often it is a way of forestalling criticism, saying hurriedly: “I know it is awful!” before anyone else does. Very bad and cowardly. It is so conceited and timid to be ashamed of one’s mistakes. Of course they are mistakes. Go on to the next.
  7. Try to discover your true, honest, untheoretical self.
  8. Don’t think of yourself as an intestinal tract and tangle of nerves in the skull, that will not work unless you drink coffee. Think of yourself as incandescent power, illuminated perhaps and forever talked to by God and his messengers. Remember how wonderful you are, what a miracle! Think if Tiffany’s made a mosquito, how wonderful we would think it was!
  9. If you are never satisfied with what you write, that is a good sign. It means your vision can see so far that it is hard to come up to it. Again I say, the only unfortunate people are the glib ones, immediately satisfied with their work. To them the ocean is only knee-deep.
  10. 10. When discouraged, remember what van Gogh said: “If you hear a voice within you saying: you are no painter, then paint by all means, lad, and that voice will be silenced, but only by working.”
  11. Don’t be afraid of yourself when you write. Don’t check-rein yourself. If you are afraid of being sentimental, say, for heaven’s sake be as sentimental as you can or feel like being! Then you will probably pass through to the other side and slough off sentimentality because you understand it at last and really don’t care about it.
  12. Don’t always be appraising yourself, wondering if you are better or worse than other writers.”I will not Reason & Compare,” said Blake; “my business is to Create.” Besides, since you are like no other being ever created since the beginning of Time, you are incomparable.”

From: Ueland, Brenda (2010-04-21). If You Want to Write: A Book about Art, Independence and Spirit. Bottom of the Hill Publishing. Kindle Edition.

My 10 ideas to start your writing, including Easter eggs, $25 & Laying on your Belly

1. Read.  Read anything you can find. It’s similar to the advice of copying a phone book when one has writer’s block. The related action fires the kiln of your brain. I prefer essays and works on how people think and make decisions. Or ideas on creativity or novels. When reading novels, I enjoy the Easter egg hunt for great sentences and identifying their construction. Look up words for which you don’t know the meaning, especially words with which you are familiar but could not yourself use in a sentence. This morning I learned unctuous, aggrieved, and erudition.

2. Read and write simultaneously.  As you are reading and thoughts, ideas, and concepts develop, write them down. You may begin reading mostly and jotting an occasionaly note. Eventually the writing will take over and the book is placed quietly aside. Stand on the shoulders of giants.


3. Arise early. Starting the day while it’s still night motivates by this simple sense of accomplishment.


4. Think about your writing the evening prior.  It’s best t consider the topic about which you’d like to write, but most any topic will do. Last night, I thought about the best way to spend $25 after the responses received from a Craig’s List ad posted for part-time nanny help. A second idea was to hand out 25 $1 bills on a public corner to watch people’s reaction. It’s about pushing the brain into motion.

5. Use paper and pen to start. They allow you to draw associations between ideas you’ve written. Imagine you are Mozart and your pen is a quill as you scratch out a sonata or concerto.  Listen for the music in your mind. Find a rhythm in your writing. Write quickly and legibly. Once you become exhausted, ready what you’ve written to add ideas and small corrections. Then later, type your writings into notes. Do your editing then.


6. Travel by train. Planes are acceptable but they are considerably more stressful and include many more variables such as seat mates, space, time, and the exhaustion of energy required to board. Trains maintain a connection to reality, yet transport you from the before to the after in a predictable, soothing way. Using paper and pen may be exceedingly more difficult by train. Be prepared for this.


7. Find your writing music.  I do well with piano like Ludovico Einaudi, Will Ackerman, and Brian Crane. Sometimes I can work with new age like Enya and Enigma, but the music must be familiar to me and only if I listen to the beat and mostly ignore the lyrics. Find what works and reserve that genre for your writing.


8. Stand in a familiar room from an odd vantage point, then be still for a few minutes.

It shakes you from your routine. Maybe it’s sitting on the kitchen counter, or standing in a closet, or laying on your belly in the hallway or on your back with your head tilted sideways. New perspectives breed new thoughts. I think this is why trains work so well. The view is constantly changing, yet in a familiar environment.


9. Stop trying. You can introduce writing, but you can’t force it. If you’re not swimming in creative juices, take a moment to recognize it. Then reach for a book and begin reading.


10. Ask yourself questions. This creates a conversation.


11. Know your routine. Find inefficiencies and correct them. I arise early, take a shower, make coffee and breakfast, then sit to write. Thus, I must remember to start the coffee before the shower, have my desk clear and computer closed, pens and note cards ready, and listen to music via my phone instead of a web browser. This flow allows me to dive immediately into writing. If I am traveling, I look excitedly ahead to the early train so I arise enthusiastically with the alarm, as it frees me from my sleep instead of awakening me from my slumber.


More on creativity and ideas from people much smarter than me:

John Cleese on Creativity

James Altucher: Brain Storming – Everything is Allowed and How to have great ideas

Five Manifestos for the Creative Life


Magic Hours: Tom Bissell on the Secrets of Creators and Creation

Brenda Ueland, If You Want to Write: A Book about Art, Independence and Spirit (and the inspiration for today’s post)

11 Lessons I learned from my TEDx talk


1. It takes me several weeks to develop an intelligent presentation.  A remarkable presentation takes weeks because I need to give the idea time to self-develop.  NY Times columnist David Brooks refers to this as “letting an idea marinate.” John Cleese of Monty Python fame advises using all of the time possible to develop your creative ideas.

My process:

a. Identify the original topic (that I eventually trashed) during a jog. My best ideas usually peek out around mile 3 or 4. That I trashed the topic is inconsequential. That I had a topic was a starting point.

b. Iterate on the topic over the next few days and talk it out with my wife.

c. Map a concepts into a slide presentation.

d. Research to see what content and data is available (For example, I thought I’d find time series data on the number of salespeople employed but this data wasn’t available after hours of searching)

e. Build out slides.

f. Delete slides.  I built more than 35 slides and had only 17 in the final presentation including a blank first slide and the title slide.

2. Presentations require data. This means factual information synthesized from several sources that creates an “A-ha!” moment for the audience.  It’s not about generating new content – it’s about presenting existing information in a new framework.


Hans Rosling’s 2009 TED presentation is a wonderful example.


In 20 minutes, it is impossible to teach a new idea from the beginning, so structure the presentation around existing knowledge. The audience will engage because they’re starting from familiar territory.  You hook them at the end when the thought path leads them to a place they never considered.


In my case, I used cultural perceptions about salespeople using Arthur Miller’s “Death of a Salesman” and recent movies about the sales profession – Glengarry Glen Ross and Boiler Room as the starting point then broke the mold with data as I progressed.


3. There’s a performance curve.  Even when carefully selected, some speakers will disappoint.  They’ll fail to invest the preparation required to deliver a memorable presentation and this is your opening.  This is where placing best practices into action differentiated me from everyone else.  It’s a combination of:

a. Topic

b. Preparation

c. Content
(See #1 above for arriving at a, b, & c)

d. Presentation slides/visual quality – I met with Jim Prost who volunteered his time to the speakers in preparation and read “Presentation Zen” on Jim’s suggestion.  (I’m embarrassed to say that I’ve had this book on my shelf for three years and never read it.)

e. Passion/enthusiasm – A willingness to be emotionally naked.  If you believe it, share it.

f. Presentation (verbal & physical) – Be well-rehearsed and comfortable.  Know your slides.   I prepared my verbal presentation by typing out my words in Evernote, then timing the delivery. I learned that I needed to be at minute 9 when I got to my key slide (see #2). By knowing this outcome, I worked backwards to cut down the first section of the presentation by 40%.  Then I wrote out notecards twice and rehearsed live in front of my wife, then twice more by myself.  By the time of the presentation, I didn’t need the notecards and knew my slides by memory and where I would be in my presentation at each moment.

4. Prepare for the stage. I was expecting a grand stage like you see on the videos where I’d be free to saunter about the stage, glance at slides, and use movement as a way to emphasize key points of the presentation. Our stage was small and restrictive. The back-lighting was red and generally dark. I work dark pants (okay, jeans, but I swear it’s okay. It was Saturday in San Francisco!) a white shirt and a navy suede sport coat. With the dark background and lighting, I worried that the video would not show well.

There was no visible timer or slide viewer in front of me as expected and I didn’t want to turn around to glance at slides to assure I was on course.  This caused some trepidation for me, but see 3e – once onstage, I knew my stuff and rolled along.


5. Know your audience. This audience was mostly MBA students and most were international students.  But… the presentation was recorded for the TEDx YouTube channel for a mass audience to view later. So which was my audience?  To feel connected and share my enthusiasm, I chose the students with whom I could play along the way by generating smiles and nods. That engagement was far more important to keep me cruising than presenting for the camera thinking about a YouTube viewer three months from now.


Plan how you are going to engage the audience before and after the talk.  I should have engaged more with the audience instead of sitting backstage for final edits and preparation.  That said, given that I needed these final edits, it was worth the cost in my case.  Next time, I will be sure to set a goal of talking to at least 10 audience members before and after.


6. Write your own introduction and rehearse it with the person introducing you.  Jim Prost recommended this and I simply let it fall off my plate.  It wasn’t until 30 minutes before I was introduced that I knew who was introducing me, yet she had developed an introduction and had been rehearsing to say it from memory the entire afternoon. Yikes! In the introduction, she mispronounced “SalesQualia” and didn’t mention my book. The introduction is your teaser – help the introducer set the right state of mind for the audience.


7. Prepare notecards and know your slides blind, then put them away.  If you follow #3, the presentation will flow naturally.


8. Bring food.  Prepare for the external environment.  We were in No Man’s Land in San Francisco for a Saturday (near the corner of Samsome and Broadway). NOTHING is open on the weekends, not even the Starbucks across from our building. The event organizers had a wonderful green room with dried fruit, energy bars, Odwallas, and coffee.  Speakers were asked to arrive at 12:00noon and I was scheduled for 4:20. I’m an eater plus I can be particular about what I eat because of my race training, and there weren’t enough of the right calories to keep me from hunger. I should have packed my own food just in case.


9. Ask for help.  Everyone wants you to be successful.  Jim Prost donated his time to review presentations the Tuesday before the event and only two or three speakers took advantage.  Dirk, Laura, and Alex (the primary event organizers) had every detail of the day planned and launched immediately into action for any unforeseen requests.  Remember – the organizers are at risk too – they want you to impress the crowd because they sold the attendees on the event in the first place.


10. Ask to help.  There are always details that need filling. Offer to help. Caution when offering suggestions – you may think your suggestions are good but it’s likely that the organizers already considered that idea and now you’re making them feel bad that they couldn’t or didn’t execute on it. Carry boxes, serve food, run errands. Contribute to the event.


11. Thank everyone several times.  Do this in person and follow with a personal note.  Praise, praise, praise everyone from the organizers to the minimum-wage caterer. Everyone matters and they’re all there to make you look good and promote yourself.


[View the presentation slides on Slideshare.]

[View the event Flickr stream.]